Tuesday 3 January 2017

Introduction to JAVA ( Basic )

- The Creation

 - The java was created by James Gosling , Patrick Naughton ,            Chris  Warth , Ed Frank  and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems    , Inc. in  1991 . This language was initially named as "oak" but         was  renamed " java " in 1995 .

 - The basic reason that lead to the creation of java was NOT               internet  , but was the need of a platform independent language 
    that could be used to create software to be embedded in various
    consumer electronic devices such as Microwave Ovens , Remote     Controls etc .

  - The trouble with C , C++ is that they are designed to be                    compiled for a specific target . Although it is possible to                  compile a C++ program for just about any type of CPU  , to do        so it  requires a full C++ compiler targeted for that CPU.

 - The problem is that Compilers are expensive and time 
    consuming to create.
 - So developers began to work on a portable , platform 
    independent language that could be used to produce code that           could run on a variety of CPU's under differing environment.

 ULTIMATELY this lead to the creation of java .  

                                                          By : Knowledge Bits

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